The Young Canadian Sailor

The journal of a young Canadian and his career in the Armed Forces. Check out the archives!

Friday, July 30, 2004


One week: a reply

Yes, it would take less than a month for Jake to be inducted.  But everyone knows (or at least they should) that the Canadian Forces train their troops to a higher caliber, and rely less on their equipment, than the US Forces.  And what with the situation in Afghanistgan/Iraq/Iran/Saudi Arabia/whomever the Americans invade next, I don't really want my husband traipsing overseas to do another country's dirty work.  We're both Canadians, and have been for many generations, and despite the US' misguided view that a multicultural country can have no defining identity, Canada does have its patriots, in its own way.  At least we don't have to constantly wave our flags (what - can't you remember what country you live in?), and stick our nose in where its not wanted, to prove it.

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