The Young Canadian Sailor

The journal of a young Canadian and his career in the Armed Forces. Check out the archives!

Friday, November 12, 2004


Last Post (heh)

Well, this is my last post for a while (it was going to be yesterday, but I don't want to leave up the poem for days).

Who knows what happens now?

I guess this is the begining of my hero's journey.

But stay tuned! More "Humour in Uniform" to come, true believers...


Happy Birthday to ELLEN (my wife) and MARIE (my mom). How lucky is it that I have just one date to remember for both of them?
Mike M, posting Anon Y. Mous.

Good luck mate, and keep us posted. I'll be expecting a detailed lesson in semaphore when you get back to The World.
Good luck to you...what will you be doing in the Navy? Hopefully you got steered straight and will be a Submariner, as there are none better than those that sail beneath the seas!

And us Submariners are a true brotherhood...friend or foe, all Submariners are bound by the common way of life we share in our boats. We mourn here in the US Navy for those of our brothers lost on Kursk (Russia) and HMCS Chicoutimi (your Canadian countrymen).

Submariners all.

I wish you well, shipmate, in whatever field you choose. Best of luck to you, sailor.
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